US Sports and Racebook Locations at

Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino

Mandalay Bay's fully equipped, state-of-the-art sports and racebook features 17 large screens, nearly 300 seats and the Turf Club Deli. These are the reason why many sports and race fans have made Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino their sports and racing headquarters.

Aside from the sports and racebook, Mandalay Bay features a 135,000 square-foot gaming environment, designed to make waves along the Strip. Guests can play in a tropical setting of flowing water, lush foliage, and exotic architecture.

Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino Contact Details

Address: Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino
3950 Las Vegas Blvd. South
Las Vegas, Nevada 89119
Phone: +1 702-632-7777
+1 (877) 632-7800 (toll free)

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